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>Multiple US government websites crashed for 20 minutes during Biden's address, back now

Multiple US government websites, including DHS, ICE, FEMA, crashed during state of union address. Trump's social media platform also witnessed outage
Multiple government websites of US government reported outage extending to 20 minutes as President Joe Biden delivered state of the union address to a joint session of Congress in the Capitol Hill. The websites are back online after a brief interruption

Multiple US government websites, including DHS, ICE, FEMA, crashed during state of union address.
Reports suggest big government websites including DHS, ICE, FEMA and the Secret Service, reported outage. According to Search.gov, a search engine by and for the federal government, planned maintenance was scheduled from 3pm to 6pm on Thursday.
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Cause of outage is still not known.
Major government websites that are reporting outage include -
- Homeland Security (DHS)
- Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE)
- Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
- U.S. Secret Service
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

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