
• Техас это не США, Техас должен быть свободен по воле граждан и демократии

Техас наш

Today is Texas Independence Day. It’s a day that marks our state’s independence from Mexico in 1836 and the beginning of the Republic of Texas, which soon became part of the United States.

But there are some who take Texas’ famous independent streak a bridge too far. As Super Tuesday approaches, Republican primary voters in Texas should beware. A worrying number of candidates for the Texas House of Representatives and other offices have signed the “Take Texas Back” pledge that makes them promise to advance legislation to help Texas secede from the United States under certain conditions.

The desire for smaller government and increased state’s rights is valid. But this rhetoric, largely espoused by far-right candidates, is not conservative. It’s unpatriotic.

The pledge asks candidates to promise that if elected, they will place the interests of Texas before any nation or political entity. By signing the pledge, candidates promise to advance legislation to call for a referendum for Texans to assert their status as an independent nation, if a majority of residents are interested.

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